The Reincarnation of ‘Granny’

The Bucks Underground Railroad

 In 2010 I began posting The Bucks Underground Railroad as ‘Granny’ on the progressive website, ‘One If By Land Bucks County’. At the end of 2013 that site closed. I was, for nearly all of 2014 an orphan without a blog!

My posts stayed true to Pointing the Way to Freedom: Voting; local to global politics; the environment; religion; films; books; television; family; veterans; the criminal justice system; and civil rights for women and people of all colors. I’ll be archiving some of those posts for this site.

‘Granny’ on The Bucks Underground Railroad has been reincarnated with my real name.  My blogger’s icon for this site remains the lawn jockey.

This jockey sits in my garden and for me symbolizes all that is necessary to overcome injustice and intolerance. During the decade of 1850 when the Underground Railroad was at its height, the lawn jockey was a message for fugitive slaves escaping out of the South and into the North. A familiar 19th century ornament by the roadside in front of homes and farms, whichever direction the arm pointed was the way to Freedom. A scarf tied around the jockey’s wrist or neck was confirmation that inside that home or farm lived a believer in anti-slavery. If at night the lantern was lit, it was a message to the weary fugitive that this was a safe place to enter and be out of harm’s way.

Posts on The Bucks Underground Railroad will bring struggles we all face, struggles that seem to have deepened in the year I was away. There’s much to write about.

Feels good to be back.